Since CyberArticle 5.0 distibuted on 2008-7-17, CyberArticle supports MySQL to store data.
What need to be noticed:
1. Install MySQL.  When MySQL is intalled, utf-8 should be selected as a default code.
2. MySQL Port: If MySQL uses the default port, you need not config it.
Otherwise, please find the "Plugins\Books\WizMySqlOleDB.ini" file in CyberArticle installation directory, for instance,
C:\Program files\WizBrother\CyberArticle\Plugins\Books\WizMySqlOleDB.ini
Open this file by Notepad and modify the following port value in [Server] into MySQL port, for instance
Then save this file.
3. Amend the settins of MySQL
Find MySQL installation directory, for instance, D:\MySQL\my.ini
Open "my.ini" by Notepad, find the line of [mysqld] and add the following content into this line:
#Expand buffer
After the settings are amended, please restart MySQL Service.
After the settings are completed, MySQL type of books can be created.
See also