CyberArticle can make a full book or a part of a book into an EXE e-Book. 
In CyberArticle, click "Main Menu->File->Export->EXE e-Book" successively so as to make the selected nodes into an EXE e-Book.
CyberArticle is able to call e-Book Builder to make an EXE e-Book as well.
You can also add CyberArticle nodes directly in e-Book Builder.

EXE e-Book properties

In e-Book Builder, click "Properties" button on the tool bar so as to set the properties of an EXE e-Book.

E-Book name

  • E-Book name: Name an e-Book.  The e-Book name will be shown in the title bar of the e-Book.
  • E-Book file name: The file name of the made e-Book.

Author Information

  • Author name: Type in the e-Book author's name; 
  • Homepage: Type in the e-Book author's homepage;
  • E-mail: Type in the e-Book author's email;
  • Information (HTML): Set the information of the e-Book, which will be shown when users click "About" button on the toolbar of the e-Book.  These information support HTML format.  Click "Load from file" and a HTML file can be opened for the author's information.


  • Maximizes the specified window when startup: Whether maximize the specified window or not when an e-Book starts up; 
  • Show the nodes window when startup: Whether show the nodes window or not when startup;
  • Width of the nodes window (in pixels): Set a default width of the nodes window; The unit is pixel;
  • Allow show the attachments window: Set whether to show the article attachments window or not.  If allow, attachemnts of an article will be automatically shown in case that the article includes attachments. 


  • Set a skin of the interface.  You can select a skin in the combo box and pre-view the skin effect.


Splash window

  • You can set whether to show a splash window when an e-Book starts up.  If show, you can select a bmp image which will be shown on the splash window.  


User interface

  • Icon: You can set a program icon of an EXE e-Book.  The icon will be shown in front of the e-Book file name in Windows Explorer.  At the same time, the icon will also be shown in EXE e-Book window.


  • You can set buttons shown on the tool bar of an e-book.  Merely the checked buttons can be shown on the tool bar of the EXE e-book.  Select a button to set or change the shortcut corresponding to the button.


You can add tools in here.  The added tools will be shown on the tool bar of an EXE e-Book.
Click "Add" button and a "Add a tool" dialog will be displayed:
  • Tool name: Set a tool name; 
  • Tool file name: Set a tool file name; Click "Browse" to select a file in disk;
  • Params: As the set tools are saved on EXE e-Book user's computer, you need to use some parameters to specify the specific positions of these tools:
    • %e-Book%:The folder in which e-Book programs locate;
    • %ProgramFiles%:Program files catalog in Windows OS; Usually is C:\Program files;
    • %System%:Windows system catalog; Usually is C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Winnt\System32;
    • %Windows%:Windows catalog; Usually is C:\Windows or C:\Winnt.
Click "OK" to add a tool.


  • Disable context menu: In an EXE e-Book, forbid the article context menu. 
  • Disable text selection: In an EXE e-Book, forbid selecting text in articles. 
  • Decompile password: Set a password; When you decompile an EXE e-Book, the password is required to be typed in.

Protect e-Book

e-Book ID
You need to create an e-Book ID in purpose of protecting the e-Book.  This ID represents the type of the e-Book.  EXE e-Books made by the same e-Book ID will be protected by using the identical protection method. 
Click "Create" button to create an e-Book ID.
  • Version Name: Set a name of an e-Book ID.
  • Protection Method: Serial number or password can be used to protect an e-Book.
    • Serial Number: User need to type in the serial Number in order to use the e-Book continually. Otherwise, you can set a period of time for evaluation.  Beyond the evaluation days, the e-Book can not be opened.
    • Password: Protect an e-Book through a password.  User need to type the password in when opening the e-Book.  Otherwise, e-Book could not be opened.  There is no evaluation days.
  • Evaluation days: Set a evaluation period (Unit is day).  In the evaluation period, user need not to type a serial Number in.  Beyond the evaluation period, no other than typing in a serial number, the e-Book can be used.  As long as user types in the correct serial number, the serial number is not required to be entered any more in the future.
  • E-Book ID:Set a GUID string in use for representing the e-Book.  The GUID is a string automatically made by system, which is never duplicate.
  • Registry Keys: The serial number entered by user will be saved in registry.  Keys need to be set in the registry list in use for storing the serial number user typed in. 
  • Password: You can set a password for an e-Book.  As long as user opens the e-Book, the password is required to be entered.
After the above settings are complete, click "OK" button so as to save the created e-Book ID.
Registry information
You can set a registry information, which will be shown in a dialog for prompting user to register (in case that you select protecting an e-Book by using a serial number).
SN Generator
You can generate serial numbers through SN generator:
  • e-Book ID: Select an e-Book that is used to generate a SN;
  • Hardware code: Type in the hardware code returned by EXE e-Book user; The hardware code is a hardware identification code of user's computer; This code will shown in a dialog for prompting user to register;
  • SN: Show the generated SN for user.
Click "Gen" button to generate SNs for users.  You can send the SNs to EXE e-Book users.  The users type in the SNs so as to complete the registry of the EXE e-Book.


  • Please protect your EXE e-Book ID well.  This ID stores your e-Book registry information.  If this ID were lost, the corresponding SN could not be generated for user.  The EXE e-Book ID is saved in a file located in exebookid.xml file in CyberArticle Settings Path.  Therefore, in case that you want to re-install OS or change your computer, we suggest you backuping this file at first.  

EXEe-Book pre-view