In Article Resource Window are shown the HTML file(s) corresponding to the current article and the related resource files such as images, flash and so on.

Context menu

Save as
Save the selected resource files to disk.
Delete the selected resource files.  After deleting, the deleted resource included in the article is probably unable to be shown.
Open the selected resource by using an external program.
Open with
Display "Open with" dialog to open the selected resource by using an external program.


Through double clicking an article resource, the selected article resource can be opened by using an external program.  If you have modified the article resource in the external program and saved it, when you go back to CyberArticle window, CyberArticle will prompt you that since the resource file has been modified, whether to update the modified result to the book or not.  You can select whether to update the modified result to the book or not.  Through this way, you can modify the resource files such as images, CSS and so on.